Friday, September 19, 2008

Daily Hot Flash

  • This weekend my beloved 'Mad Men' has a chance to do something no other television show has done before -- be the first non-HBO show to steal an Emmy from the networks. I have my fingers crossed for Don Draper, Joan Holloway and the rest of the gang at Sterling Cooper. The Los Angeles Times has their priorities in a order, instead of going over who the nominees are in all the various categories -- they've devoted their editorial space to an Emmy fashion preview. I love those guys!

  • New York Times columnist Judith Warner chronicles another miracle of middle-age -- attending the wedding of a friend's children.

  • I would so read a book of Carrie Bradshaw's teenage diaries. Why do they always market the good stuff to young women? Just because I'm old doesn't mean I want to read dreary and depressing unrequited love stories like all the time. I want to read juicy and deliciously vapid books too.

  • Long Beach, California is the new Hollywood. Say what?

  • Great idea, Caribou Barbie! Too bad Barack Obama has already been there...and back again.

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