Monday, February 22, 2010

I'm-a still a believer!

Today is the 30th anniversary of the 'Miracle on ice.' I remember the 1980 Olympics well. I was a junior in high school. I have a clear memory of watching the game in the family room of our house. It still gives me a catch in my throat every time that I watch a few minutes of that game again. It came at a time when the country was in an economic slump and needed something to feel a sense of pride again.

There was a lot of trash-talking prior to yesterday's game between a lot of NHL All-Stars that had been re-organized by birthplace into two teams -- Canada vs. USA. I guess as a general rule, Canadians don't like the idea that we learned how to play their game. I get that, but I love hockey. I love to watch hockey. I'm an equal opportunity hockey fan -- my favorite hockey players were born on both sides of the border. L.A. Kings Dustin Brown and Jack Johnson play for the USA, while their teammate Drew Doughty plays for the Canada. Going into the game, I was neutral about who I wanted to win. The game was being called by my favorite hockey play-by-play annoucer Mike 'Doc' Emmerick -- the Vin Scully of the NHL. But then I heard the NBC promo -- U.S. takes on "Sid the Kid and the rest of Canada..." And I saw NHL commissioner Gary Bettman (who has always been a big supporter of Crosby's) at the game in a Canadian red sweater -- and suddenly I saw red -- and showed my true colors -- red, white and blue! Go USA!

It was a great game. Tense. Remarkable. The goalie from East Lansing, Michigan played the game of his life -- stopping something like 46 shots. I was so tense about the game -- I almost couldn't watch. With two minutes to go -- I told the Handsomest Man Alive that I couldn't watch any more. He said he had his own problem. I'm not sure if you're familiar with the term ''making diamonds." I'll skip the naughty language, the term describes being so tense that your anal cavity could compact coal into gemstones. "Well," he said, "Baby, I'm making you a tennis bracelet." I was working on matching earrings.

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