Last summer I found myself helping to find a home for an adorable chocolate lab puppy. Her parents loved her, but they couldn't keep her. It was heart-breaking. I contacted my friend, Suzanne, who as the daughter of a veterinarian, I knew was genetically engineered to love animals. I thought she might know of some animal rescue organizations that might help me. I didn't know at the time that Suzanne had been sending photos of chocolate labs to her husband in an effort to soften him up to get a puppy. When we took Daisy over to Suzanne and Jeff's house for an informal get-to-know-you tea party, Suzanne greeted me at the door, "we want her." I think Suzanne loved Daisy before she met her. Daisy fell into a tub of butter when she went to live with Suzanne and Jeff. They call her their 'chocolate bunny' and while they might both deny it -- I'm certain that she has her own pillow on the bed. It might even be monogrammed. Now I'm blessed to get stories about Daisy complete with photos in my email box from time to time....from Daisy's first birthday party to Daisy's first swim in the pool. Daisy is living the good life. Unfortunately, not all puppies are as lucky...so in order to help other dogs that need to find cozy homes with loving parents, Daisy is taking Suzanne for a walk this Sunday, October 19.