It's rainy and dreary here in Los Angeles. Which turns me into Karen Carpenter... without the eating disorder.Truth be told..It was my friend, Morgan Richter, who first started humming the lyrics to "Rainy Days and Mondays" this morning. So I know the only thing that can brighten a day like today is a cupcake.
- Can you ever see a cupcake without smiling? Or getting hungry? One cupcake turns any day into a party. What I wouldn't do for a cupcake.
- While the rest of the world is waking up to the realization that they've either been pink-slipped, are about to be pink-slipped, or are living in fear of being pink-slipped every single day for the rest of their lives, Brangelina was nominated for Academy Awards and found a new crib on Long Island for their colors of Benetton family.
- Have you ever had an IT guy come to save you from your computer that looked like Brad Pitt? Yeah, me neither.
- Places to go. Things to see.
- Visit President Obama's new office. And check out his very expensive 'BarackBerry.'
- U.S. Figure Skating Championships this weekend. It's in Cleveland...best to watch it on television.