- Got that right, sister! No body does it better…at any age.
- A British newspaper just bought a blog written in the United States for $30 million. Ummmm….I’d just like to say that I too can be bought.
- Why do television programmers put shows targeted to women on during the day time? Just because I work doesn’t mean I don’t want to know about the latest trends in home decorating, metallic sandals with skinny jeans or celebrity gossip. Why can’t they put that stuff on instead of one of the CSI shows? I don’t get it.
- Could it be that Hollywood’s newest hit Superhero is based on California’s Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger?
- I'd honestly be scared to eat her food. On the other hand, I'd also be scared NOT to eat her food...

- It's over! They settled out of court, and I am so disappointed. The daily fashion show featuring Talbot's 'Classic Courtroom Drama' Summer '08 Collection is over. I feel cheated.
- The high tech version of hoarding a "get out of jail" card when you're playing Monopoly.
- Olivia finds Xanadu with Aussie biznessman. I wonder if they did it on roller skates...I meant the wedding, silly.
- One day they're doing interviews with Access Hollywood, the next they've got their own show on the Disney Channel and they're tossing you a bone by offering you a small part in their show...
- Yes, I am thrilled that the Detroit Red Wings won the Stanley Cup, but I can't take my eyes off of Chris Chelios' six-pack.
- My invitation to the media mogul conference in Sun Valley must've gotten lost in the mail along with my seven-figure paycheck.
- Hugh Laurie, known to Jane Austen fans as the very droll Mr. Palmer has found a very snug little cottage to settle with his family in the Hills of Beverly. The house looks like it was decorated by Miss Marple -- so the Laurie clan won't miss Jolly Old England.
- I hate mean and snarky, but when Ok! Magazine decides to put an unwed seventeen year-old former child television star and her newborn baby on the cover of this week's issue, it makes me feel...nasty. Call me Miss Cinderella! Jamie and Maddie are both cute as a button...but I'd be slightly less nauseous if the amoral OK! editors had put screen caps of the Mini-Me sex tape on the cover.
The father of Apple and Moses compares naming his children to naming a band or an album. I'm sure someday his kids will be glad he decided to name the band Coldplay. It's not that I disagree with him -- I'm the proud daughter of a 'Mabel' and granddaughter of an 'Azalia.' It's just that I resent being compared to a Wookie.
- I buy the campaign...why don't I buy the soap?
- I have a fickle relationship with New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd, but this time I think she hit the nail on the head.
- Pe-paws need sex for health reasons.
- For the record, I believe global warming exists...I don't believe in this "we're still friends after he dumped me" thing. PUH-Leeze!

- If I were the fabulous Jenny McCarthy, I don't know what would worry me more -- that my boyfriend could fit into my bathing suit or that he looks so good in it. Maybe it's just me, but I think a man with a great sense of humor is simply irresistible.
- NEWS FLASH: Matthew McConnaghey's new baby boy born bare-chested. Acorn doesn't fall far from the tree.
- Simply shocking, I mean, S-H-O-C-K-I-N-G in all capital letters, news that Madonna may be a handful. Seriously? And the book is written by her brother. Whose brother doesn't think his sister is a handful? Seriously. Do I need to pay $29.95 to find that out?
- He's cute, he's suddenly available...and he's into older women.
- In the words of K.C. and the Sunshine Band -- "Do a little dance. Make a little love. Get down tonight." Find out more about globe-trotting dancer Matt Harding.
- An intriguing choice because no man can really fill Tim's shoes...

- In a culture that worships youth, Dara Torres is making headlines. Personally, I don't find it shocking to see what a woman over 40 can do....and I challenge any woman half her age to have a rockin' bod like that. The number one song in the U. S. was "When Doves Fly" by Prince when she was in her first Olympics. I had it on an LP. You go, sister!
- I don't want to celebrate the demise of anyone's relationship -- but in this case --- is it wrong that I find it secretly delightful that a 32-year-old woman is accusing a 49-year-old woman of breaking up her marriage?
- On more than one occasion, I've nearly crashed my car because I was laughing so hard at these guys on the radio. Do yourself a favor and make sure you set your DVR to record this program and then settle in for some fun. I don't know the difference between a spark plug and a gas cap, but it doesn't matter...Click and Clack will make you laugh.