Sunday, August 14, 2011

Nothing Under Cover About My Affairs

There are some TV shows that the HMA and I watch separately. I watch "Say Yes To The Dress." He watches "Overhaulin'." And then there are some shows that we watch together. We like "Torchwood," "Diners, Drive-Ins & Dives" and "Covert Affairs." While watching a recent episode of Covert Affairs, I was moved to remark, 'this show is really geared for a female audience.' And why, you might ask, did I say that? Because that episode featured one of the main characters without his shirt on for a prolonged period of time. The actor has a rockin' hard body and I though it seemed obvious to anyone with half-a-brain that the writers had noticed the actor was hot and had written an entire scene around getting this guy to take his shirt off for the lonely ladies at home watching the television alone in a darkened room. The HMA scoffed at my bitter assumption. But then within seconds of our interchange, in the lower left hand corner of the TV screen, a little graphic popped up that said, "Want more of shirtless Augie?" And we were directed to a website for more photos of said actor without his shirt. I rest my case. It was so obvious. A couple of days later, I noticed a photo on Facebook of that actor eating at one of my favorite restaurants. The link for the actor's Twitter was right there. So I clicked on it to follow him. I didn't think anything of it. And can you imagine how my little heart went pitter-pat when I got a DM (Direct Message) in reply within the hour. "Welcome Aboard," it said. Needless to say, The HMA was not impressed. And I'm still looking for those photos. Hmmmm....

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