Wednesday, November 16, 2011

The problem area in my bathroom is the countertop. I use the bathroom three times every day. At 5:00am when I grope around in the dark to take my medicine and put in my contacts. At 9:00am when I get ready for work. And again at 9:00pm when I get ready for bed. The result is that I end up with stuff spread out all over the counter – because I'm in too much of a hurry to organize. So everyday I come home to the counter top looking like this -- and I have to put everything back into it's proper place. That's my best tip. Make sure you have a proper place for your products and put them away right after you use them. I found this post on the BlogHer website about organizing a bathroom to be very helpful.  What is your best tip for keeping the counter top in your bathroom free from clutter? Tell BlogHer your best idea to keep a bathroom organized and clutter-free and you could win $250. Find out more on

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