Saturday, January 19, 2013

Winter Is Over

It's been really cold in southern California. And by really cold, we mean that we've had to wear coats over our sweaters. Cold is weather in the 30s here. It's not cold enough or likely to snow. And we won't ever be able to match the negative numbers that cities like Minneapolis and Fargo wake up to every morning for month after month. But the one thing we can do is complain about the cold snap just as loudly as they would in the northern climes.

How cold was it in LA? I refused to have dinner on the patio at our favorite restaurant one night. Sure, the heaters there made it feel just was warm as a summer's night, but since I came to the restaurant wrapped up in my winter coat, I wasn't about to eat dinner or sip red wine outside. I wore my Uggs to work several days in a row. And I used the cold and dark night for an excuse not to exercise several nights in a row.

Unfortunately, winter is now over in SoCal. The days are getting longer. It's light out almost until 5pm now -- which gives me plenty of time to exercise outside. And it's going up to 80 today. So I can walk in the sunshine and enjoy the roses that are about to bloom. I also no longer have an excuse to sip red wine and will need to get back on my diet in order to lose weight now that sweater season is officially over.

It was fun while it lasted. 

1 comment:

Meghan k said...

Hilarious. I too used the cold as an excuse not to exercise.