Monday, November 9, 2009

Backwards And In High Heels...

In one of the most male-dominated sports of all -- horse racing -- two little fillies have dominated the scene this year. They're calling it the 'Year Of The Girl.' And yet...a feat like this is hardly getting its due from the mainstream media. These two little fillies are world class athletes...the sport of horse racing has never seen the likes of these ladies. Rachel Alexandra kicked the butt of the Kentucky Derby winner this year, but she wasn't allowed to be entered into all of the Triple Crown races because she's a girl and her owner's an old-fashioned guy. Meanwhile, five year-old Zenyatta remains undefeated. That's right -- she's undefeated and she's five years-old -- can you believe it? You can watch her amazing come-from-behind win in the video above. It is perhaps one of the most exhilarating races I have ever watched. Seriously! It brings to mind one of my favorite quotes from former Texas Governor Ann Richards. "Ginger Rogers did everything Fred Astaire did -- only backwards and in high-heels.' Girl power!

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