Monday, July 7, 2008

Morning Hot Flash July 7, 2008

  • In a culture that worships youth, Dara Torres is making headlines. Personally, I don't find it shocking to see what a woman over 40 can do....and I challenge any woman half her age to have a rockin' bod like that. The number one song in the U. S. was "When Doves Fly" by Prince when she was in her first Olympics. I had it on an LP. You go, sister!

  • I don't want to celebrate the demise of anyone's relationship -- but in this case --- is it wrong that I find it secretly delightful that a 32-year-old woman is accusing a 49-year-old woman of breaking up her marriage?

  • On more than one occasion, I've nearly crashed my car because I was laughing so hard at these guys on the radio. Do yourself a favor and make sure you set your DVR to record this program and then settle in for some fun. I don't know the difference between a spark plug and a gas cap, but it doesn't matter...Click and Clack will make you laugh.

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