Monday, February 2, 2009

A snowy day in London town...

I've been looking everywhere for a print or photograph of my beloved London town to hang in my living room. When I saw this one, I thought to myself...finally! I haven't been in London in twenty years, but I still think of it as my kind of town. Britain is struggling under the effects of an unusually heavy snow storm, which is making travel difficult, but looks beautiful to those of us who live under sunny skies and palm trees.
  • Yesterday's New York Times was a virtual cornucopia of intriguing Op-Ed articles about the current state of the economy. Start with Maureen Dowd and then move on to Frank Rich, and then wrap up with this little ditty about the state of the American shopping mall.

  • Today's imagication takes you on a tour of California wineries that make sparkling wines. Pack your bags and click here.

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