Thursday, September 11, 2008

Daily Hot Flash

Today is a day to remember where you were seven years ago when so many Americans lost their lives in a senseless act of terrorism. Every person who died on 9/11 had a story to tell that was cut short. This morning I was reminded by a friend of the friend she lost who was on the 104th floor of the World Trade Center at work that day. Her friend never got the chance to have a wedding, a baby or a happily ever after. Today is the day to honor the people who had their stories end too soon by living your life as if it was happily ever after every single day. Don't argue with me. Do it now!

An intriguing opinion piece about the years since the 9/11 attacks.

Let's hear it for the boys! This morning I'm letting my friend Javier chime in on Sarah Palin.

If I looked like Diane any age...

I am relieved to hear that Lance Armstrong wants a woman who's 'hotter than doughnut grease,' because I want a man who's not stupid enough to compare any woman with the fat we deep fry our baked goods in.

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